Essential Oil Selection Made Simple: How to Pick the Safest Oils for Your Goals


  1. Essential Oil Selection Made Simple: How to Pick the Safest Oils for Your Goals


Aromatherapy using pure essential oils has become very popular due to the many potential essential oil benefits. Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts derived from plants that capture powerful therapeutic compounds. With hundreds of essential oils to choose from, each with unique essential oil uses, it can be overwhelming to select the right oils for your needs. In this post, we’ll explore how aromatherapy and essential oil safety guide you in safely choosing the ideal essential oils for your desired benefits.

1. Determine Your Goals for Using Essential Oils

Essential Oil Selection Made Simple
         Essential Oil Selection Made Simple

To start, make a list of your goals for using aromatherapy. Common essential oil uses include:

  • Essential oils for stress relief and relaxation
  • Essential oils for sleep problems like insomnia
  • Essential oil recipes for nausea, congestion, pain relief
  • Essential oils for skin care to reduce acne, fine lines.
  • Essential oil blends to boost energy and sharpen focus.

Get very specific about the essential oil benefits you hope to achieve. This will help narrow down which essential oils to consider from the hundreds available.

  1. Research Essential Oils and Their Properties

Once your aromatherapy goals are defined, research various essential oils and their reputed properties. For example:

  • Lavender essential oil: Stress relief, sleep, skin irritation
  • Peppermint essential oil: Nausea, headaches, alertness
  • Frankincense essential oil: Immunity, inflammation, anxiety
  • Tea tree essential oil: Acne, oily skin, dandruff
  • Bergamot essential oil: Depression, emotional balance

Find oils that scientific research and traditional use suggest will provide your desired essential oil benefits. Create a list of potential oils to review further.

How to Choose the Right Essential Oils

  1. Consider How You’ll Use the Essential Oils

Essential oil usage methods determine which oils are appropriate:

  • Essential oil diffuser: Add a few drops of essential oil to water to disperse aroma into the air. Great for stress relief, immunity, sleep, etc.
  • Topical use: Dilute essential oil with a carrier oil and apply directly to skin. Good for muscle tension, skin conditions, PMS cramping.
  • Essential oil roller bottles: pre-diluted essential oils applied to pulse points. Convenient for stress relief and emotional balance on-the-go.
  • Baths: Add a handful of drops of essential oil under running bath water. Useful for muscle relaxation, mood enhancement, detoxification.
  • Compresses: Add diluted essential oil to a warm towel and apply to aching areas. Helpful for pain relief, inflammation.

Consider safety and then match oils to appropriate methods for your goals.

  1. Follow Essential Oil Safety Precautions

While natural, essential oils can still cause issues like skin irritation or allergic reactions if not used properly. Follow these essential oil safety tips:
  • Perform a patch test by applying diluted essential oil to a small skin area to check for sensitivities before broader use.
  • Avoid phototoxic essential oils like bergamot before sun exposure, as they can cause sunburns.
  • Take extra care when using essential oils with children, pets and pregnant/nursing women as they have more sensitivity.
  • Research contraindications for the oils you choose, as some may interact with medications or conditions.
  • Follow proper dilutions for skin application, starting with low concentrations until tolerance is known.
  • Be aware that ingesting essential oils has more risks than topical use. Follow safe essential oil recipes and dosages.

  1. Invest in 100% Pure, High-Quality Oils

Always buy therapeutic grade essential oils from reputable suppliers that provide purity testing results. Adulterated or synthetic oils lack true aromatherapy benefits and may cause harm. High quality matters for safety and effectiveness.

Plant Therapy essential oil company
                                                            Plant Therapy essential oil company label


Selecting the ideal essential oils for your needs and goals requires some research and planning but is worthwhile for the aromatherapy benefits. First, match your goals to science-backed essential oils known to provide the affects you seek. Stress relief and sleep are common goals that oils like lavender may support.

Next, factor in how you plan to use the oils – topically, diffused, in baths, etc. This will help you select suitable oils and proper dilutions to use safely. Tea tree oil, for example, should be dilution for skin but is safe diffused.

Follow essential oil safety precautions to avoid side effects. Do skin tests, understand contraindications, and start with low dilutions. Use extra care around children and pets. Know that ingesting oils carries more risks than topical use.

When buying essential oils, insist on 100% pure, high-quality oils from reputable suppliers. Therapeutic grade oils ensure you get real aromatherapy benefits free of toxins. Cut oils lack potency.

Take your time finding the right oils for you. Do thorough research, consult experts if needed, and create customized essential oil recipes meeting your application preferences and health needs. Follow these best practices to safely unlock the benefits of nature’s healing oils.

Discover your perfect essential oils today. Our organic essential oils sample pack is a great way to find your ideal oils for benefits like better sleep, mood enhancement, clear skin and more!

Get Started with Aromatherapy the Right Way!

Trying new essential oils for the first time? Want to make sure you choose the best and safest oils for your needs?

We're here to help!

Get our Essential Oils Starter Kit today and discover your perfect oils with our guidance:

The Essential Oils Starter Kit has everything you need to start exploring aromatherapy the right way.

Choose what's best for YOU from our top-quality selection of oils and tools. Get the benefits you want safely and effectively.

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Q: How many essential oils should I buy when first starting out with aromatherapy?

A: Start with 2-4 oils that target your top needs. Having too many oils early on can be confusing. Build your collection slowly.

Q: What's the best way to use essential oils - in a diffuser, topically, or in baths?

A: There is no single best method. Choose based on your goals, safety, and lifestyle. Using a combination of methods can provide maximum benefits.

Q: Is it safe to ingest essential oils?

A: Ingesting essential oils is controversial and carries more risks than topical use. Use extreme caution and only ingest oils on advice of an expert.

Q: Can I use essential oils undiluted on my skin?

A: No, always dilute essential oils before applying to skin. Undiluted oils can cause burns or irritation. Use a carrier oil or lotion to dilute before topical use.

Q: How often can I use the same essential oil?

A: Listen to your body, but most essential oils are safe to use daily properly diluted. Rotate oils to take advantage of different properties.

Q: What everyday precautions do I need to take when using essential oils?

A: Do skin tests before use, research contraindications, keep oils away from eyes and mucous membranes, store oils properly away from sunlight, use as directed.

Q: Which essential oils are best for promoting sleep and relaxation?

A: Some of the top oils for sleep are lavender, chamomile, vetiver, ylang ylang, marjoram, and sandalwood. Blend a few together for best effects.

Q: Where is the best place to apply essential oils topically?

A: Popular spots are wrists, behind ears, neck, temples, feet, abdomen. Use thin skin areas that won't be covered by clothes.


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